The first time was heartbreaking. As I sat on the plane nearly having a panic attack from the thought of really interacting with anyone since the Old Man left, I overheard the worst conversation ever. Of course out of everyone on the entire plane, I sat behind the one and only piercing voice telling her thoughts on the military and the war to her fellow passenger. For the sake of trying to keep the blog apolitical, I’ll just tell you, they weren’t good…
The second time was a doosey. I sat in the middle of a young college kid and a man of intellectual sorts in his 30s. Before the plane took off, I pasted a few things in my journal and explained to both of them that my husband was in Iraq, yada, yada, yada…answering all their questions during the conversation that they initiated. 30 mins later, I closed my eyes and overheard the two of them telling each other their thoughts on the war. The entire way home and yet again, none of which were good. I was boiling knowing that they both knew full well about my situation and at that point it wasn’t about sharing their opinion, but about common courtesy. Is it me, or do people not even debate things like religion or being gay this freely and why is this any different? ! Anyway, this was one of the many times my IPod came to the rescue. I curse myself for not ever speaking up, but that’s just not my style. The only saving grace this ride was that soon after I realized I probably just witnessed a genuine love connection. From the physical attraction, alllll the way through to the making of future plans together! The best of luck to them both. ;)
This time, Oy Vey! (and I have permission to say that from my Jewish friend) At this particular airport, US Air has their own staff who conducts the security screenings for the lucky winners of the checked baggage security screening extravaganza! In my checked bags (and I bold this because they were CHECKED!) I had three of my favorite Christmas gifts, Jarhead Red. I was sooo excited about giving this away. I found it on base and it had a really fun Marine Corps label, the proceeds of my purchase went to the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation (I have info about this in a post below), and I just knew everyone would have loved it! I would have bought myself a bottle, but I took the last four off the shelf.
With the new security regulations, and I didn’t think I was breaking any, we all know any liquids you bring on the plane have to be 3 oz or less. Which is why I checked my Jarhead Red. Apparently that wasn’t good enough. Apparently, I couldn’t have any liquid whatsoever and apparently, the US Air security man was having a bad day because he confiscated all three bottles of my prized Christmas presents!!!! As I begged and pleaded with him to not throw them out or leave just one for me to keep or for him to keep them so at least someone could enjoy them, he was Mr. US Air No Nonsense and threw them away. No questions asked.
I sat there on my third plane ride home with yet another traveling fiasco, crushed, and in a pinch for last minute Christmas gifts.
Ohhh, the irony…
I recently found the website to buy the fun stuff, which I've actually heard is pretty good. I can say now that I'm not so bitter about it anymore. Just in case you're interested, Click here!
These eyes they grieve in pity for my heart. I have known the suffering of every tear utterly undone they fall. Will they remember the words I spoke? My gentle heart goes willingly with her, but I must remain here. Weeping, I then will speak of her again, and again, who to her heaven came so suddenly, leaving Love grieving here on earth with me...
To the high heaven she has gone, up to the realm where Angels dwell in peace, she lives with them now. To this world she bade farewell. Tis no degree of cold on her has won, nor of such heat as makes all others cease: it only was her goodness, great appeal. So did her shining humbleness excel, it passed the heavens with such wondrous worth, it moved to marvel the eternal Sire, so that a sweet desire pricked Him to call such worthiness from earth, and made her to himself go from down here: for when He saw this life of suffering had not been made for such a gentle thing...
Her gentle spirit, full of gentle grace, at last departed from her beauteous frame, and chose in glory its most worthy home. He who weeps not, {Mark David Breakiron} when talking of her trace, harbors a heart of wickedness and shame, to which no kindly spirits ever shall come.
No mind, if heart is wicked, may so roam as to imagine in the least her lot: therefore no grief or weeping will transpire. But sadness and desire of tears and sighs and death, and every thought that fails to comfort for a loss of immense, conquer those souls that even once recall the thing she was, now taken from us all...
Ahhhhhhhhh so much anguish nearly halts my breath when the least thought to this comes in my grievous mind brings back the one who split my heart in me; and oftentimes, when thinking of her death the color from my face fades utterly. And when the imagining is sharp in me, from everywhere I'm struck by such dismay that at the ache I feel right then I start to cry, and so distraught it grows. Fore it is then that I am alone in every crowd.
I wander in my tears....
For a face that looks like mine.
Angel Feathers Tickle Me
US Air can kiss my ass and I shall send then a scathing blog post/email. Just becuase they think they rule Philly they dont rule the world.
yes! you rock, sparky!!!!
Now that was really low and mean spirited of that screening person...
Nice blog - I came here via Skittles and your sister and I'd like to add you to my links and come back to read more.
Thanks to your husband - (and your family) - for giving us the freedom to live as we do.
All the best from Canada, eh?
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