Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Thursday Thirteen #7

13 things that are getting me through this deployment
I'll tell ya, this whole deployment thing is rooough! This list could go on to 100 and maybe I'll do another in hindsight when the Old Man gets home, but for now these are the things I absolutely can not live without knowing, having, or doing over these long months. Not counting my husband of course, who even in Iraq, is still my rock and my heart.
And these are in no particular order...
1. My sister. Good lord is Christie a Heaven sent! She always calms me down, makes me laugh, and distracts me all exactly when I need it. While I'm on the subject, our whole entire family is absolutely incredible. I don't know where I'd be without you all. I draw on your strength and love every single moment of my day. You are what helps me keep going when times get tough. The Old Man and I are so blessed in this way that it's overwhelming.
2. Reruns. Weekends are the most difficult times. Many are fun, but no matter what I do or don't do, they're not the same... TBS reruns or movie reruns or Seinfeld reruns are countless hours of mindless fun on those curl up on the couch in sweats days. Any sign of familiarity during this deployment is therapeutic.
3. My IPod. I have the perfect playlists that motivate me or let me be all emotional and girly. It's also perfect for tuning out all the negative politics hanging in the air. Love it.
4. Chicken Soup for the Military Wife's Soul. This book is amazing. It's inspirational, it's happy, it's sad, it's fun, it's real. And it isn't sappy or cheesy. The Old Man bought it for me and it's perfect.
5. Motomail. Thank god for this! Although I overwork the poor motomail staff, I can't describe how much this is keeping our marriage connected and our minds sane. Being able to write whenever I want, even though I don't get an instant response, and knowing I can 'talk' to him whenever I have something to say is so comforting.
6. For the people that I talk to about my husband being deployed who's initial reaction is, "Really, that's not that long!" Thank you.
7. Myspace. Yes, this is a necessary evil. It's one of the silly things in Annaland that make me happy. Being able to catch up with all my really good friends from back in the day is wonderful.
8. My journal. I love my journal. I put pictures in it, quotes, thoughts, feelings, letters... Everything. One day, I'd like to publish it or give it to other deployed spouses.
9. For the following quotes: (and these could be the the last four on my list, but I'm lumping them cause I have more to add! :) If God brings you to it, he'll bring you through it. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14. "He has not learned the lesson of life who does not every day surmount a fear." Ralph Waldo Emerson. "We either make ourselves miserable or make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same." Carlos Casteneda.
10. My church. Getting my weekly cup of Jesus helps a ton and knowing that our lives are on a greater path makes me thankful for everything I have and everyone I know.
11. Sophie. Our cat is the cutest thing in the world. I swear she knows my emotions and I love remembering the day we picked her out. The Old Man wouldn't put her down the whole time and it was the cutest thing.
12. For my parents telling me that maybe I've been preparing for this my whole life. I think about this all the time. My parents painted the picture of how everything I've done and accomplished has prepared me to handle this situation gracefully. And the way they put it just makes so much sense. I love my parents.
13. Writing. I write everywhere. On here, in my journal, in my tiny notebook that I carry in my purse, on Myspace, in letters to the Old Man, on my therapy wall behind my front door (yes, I have that). I always feel better when I get my thoughts out and can take a second to look back on things.

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Welcome to Thursday Thirteen! Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


Anonymous said...

My best friend's husband is in Iraq right now. She's keeping a positive attitude, though she has some difficult nights.

I'm going to pick that book up for her.

And I'm going to forward your blog addy to her.

My 13 are up.

Unknown said...

What a great list and blog..Thanks for sharing that with us

Le laquet said...

So how much longer will he be out there? Do you know? My brother was posted out there for 6 months, missed Christmas ~ I know my sis-in-law found it a real struggle!

Laura said...

hang in there. my foster mom's son just came home last month after his 3rd tour. thank goodness.

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot for haring this great TT! Wishing you all the best...

Merry Christmas to you and yours,
P.S.: Please visit my TT #6 - Thanks a lot!

Christie O. said...

awwww anna mary, CRYING OVER HERE! I haven't had my coffee yet! I love you! And I want a therapy wall!

Michelle said...

The iPod would be my biggest crutch! I love my iPod, can't live without it.

Happy TT!

I’m up!

Caylynn said...

Having lived through deployments myself (my husband is an engineering officer in the Canadian Forces), I can identify with this list. The hardest was when my husband was in Eritrea. He was the DCO, so was in command of the group of engineers who were setting up the camp. Because they were still building the camp, we had absolutely no way of getting in touch at Christmas time - there were no phones yet (just the satellite phone back to Canada for emergencies and military traffic), and of course, no computers. They had just deployed at the beginning of December, so there wasn't time for mail to start arriving yet. It was really tough not having any contact during the holiday period.

Best wishes to you and your husband. I will keep him in my prayers for all the deployed military personnel.

Anonymous said...

This would be so hard.....and by God's grace, you seem to be handling it well. He is so good to bring about what we need for support. Thanks to YOU and your husband for this service for our country and the world.

Joan said...

You've got lots of prayers of folks you don't even know going up for those of our patriots who are deployed to war zones and the loved ones waiting for them at home. Have a wonderful Christmas! And give your "old man" our thanks for all he's doing. My TT is also posted.